Stella and her Husband Francis

About Stella


Personal life
Stella Ssekyondwa was born on 10th September 1969 to Eriab Nkurunziza and Serediyo Maria at Mulago hospital, she was raised in Lubaga were her parents lived. She has lived in Kampala all her life until she breathed her last on 20/07/2021.

Stella met her husband in 1985 during the transition of governments. On 2oth December 1986 God blessed them with their first child a second child in 1988 . God ultimately blessed them with 5 children. Stella Introduced Francis to her parents in Kigali, Rwanda in 1997, with holy matrimony done on 2nd February 2012.

Work Life
Stella started out small as the saying goes these days “okweyiya” she started from owino (St.Balikuddembe
Mkt) selling clothes for  her bosses, with hard work and God’s continued blessings she was able to start her own businesses and employ several people.

Church Life
Stella was a catholic in her teens but later converted to a Seventh Day Adventist in her youth under the efforts and guidance of Pr.Kasumba Richard and was later baptized by Pr.Ndawula. She served the church of Kyebando for a very long time. Later she shifted to Mutundwe and she began to serve at the church of Busega and later on Wankulukuku SDA church. Here she made a great impact and touched a lot of lives through different church missions including;

1. Family Life

Here she assisted so many couples to get married and counselled them to stay married to the extent of financing their wedding ceremonies
as well.

2. Women Ministries

She was a member and active member to various Women organizations and projects, SACCO’s and women-based NGO’s.

3. Developments 

Stella helped many youth start projects including financing those projects  until the time of her death.


4. Prison Ministries

Stella procured and supplied beddings and clothes for prisoners, Food, Sanitary pads for female prisoners and life basic
needs such as soap, sugar etc.

She set up a fund that helped many prisoners get bail and others released including giving them
capital to start up businesses irrespective of their religion, tribe or political party. she also preached to many inmates and many converted and accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.

5. Hospital Ministries 

Visiting the sick and providing them with basic life necessities especially HIV-Aids ward, T.B ward, Cancer ward at mulago hospital During the service of Stella to the church despite her hard work and devotion she served well the help and guidance of of the lead pastors of the church among these include; Pastor Wilson Ssekago,Pastor David Mpande, Pastor Moses Bogere, Pastor Ezekiel Lubowa, Pastor Joseph Musasiizi, Pastor Joseph Kibuuka,
Pastor Paul Mumbere.