The Stella Ssekyondwa Foundation had always been dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of those in need. So, when they heard about the Good Samaritan Sisters of Nalukolongo, they knew that they had to help.
The Good Samaritan Sisters is a group of nuns who dedicated their lives to helping the less fortunate in their community. They set up a home for the elderly, providing them with a safe place to live and care. The foundation decided to visit the Sisters and see how they could help.
Upon their arrival, the foundation was greeted warmly by the Sisters and the residents. They spent time with the elderly, listening to their stories and offering words of comfort and encouragement.
The foundation knew that the Sisters needed more than just gifts and donations. They needed access to clean water. The Sisters had been struggling to provide enough clean water for everyone in the home, and the foundation decided to start a campaign to construct a water well for the entire place.
The foundation donated cash of 1 million to kick start the project and began working with the community to raise the necessary funds. They continue to organize fundraising events and reached out to businesses and individuals for support.
The foundation continues to work with the Sisters to support their efforts. They provide regular donations of food, clothing, and other necessities, and they visited regularly to offer moral support and encouragement.